Simple Maintenance For Improving AC Efficiency


An efficient air conditioning system is essential for maintaining a comfortable living environment. However, many people overlook the fact that simple maintenance tasks can significantly improve the performance and efficiency of their AC units.

Clean Air Filters Regularly

Clean air filters play a critical role in ensuring optimal airflow through your AC system. Dirty or clogged filters force your unit to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy consumption and potential damage to its components. Regularly cleaning or replacing your air filters can promote better air circulation, reduce wear on your unit's parts, and maintain healthier indoor air quality.

If you have reusable filters, give them plenty of time to dry after washing them. For this reason, many homeowners will own multiple sets of washable filters to avoid being without cool air while waiting for their filters to dry.

The frequency with which you should clean your air filters will vary depending on usage patterns and environmental conditions around your home. As a general rule of thumb, inspect and clean reusable filters at least monthly during peak cooling season.

Keep Vents Clear And Unblocked

Keeping vents clear in supply registers and return grilles is often overlooked for maintaining efficient airflow. Blocked vents can restrict air circulation, causing your AC to work harder while producing less cool air and consuming more energy.

Regularly inspect all supply registers and return grilles in your home for obstructions or dust buildup. Vacuum or wipe them down as necessary, taking care not to damage the delicate vent fins or dampers. Additionally, avoid placing furniture directly in front of vents or closing off any individual rooms completely.

Maintain The Outdoor Condenser Unit

The outdoor condenser unit releases heat the refrigerant absorbs during the cooling process. A clean outdoor unit ensures better heat transfer efficiency, reducing energy consumption while prolonging the lifespan of your AC system. To maintain a clean outdoor condenser unit, periodically remove leaves, dirt, grass clippings, and other debris surrounding its base area. Depending on your landscaping, you may also need to trim back any bushes or plants nearby that could hinder airflow around the unit.

Avoid Heat-Generating Appliances Near The Thermostat

Heat-generating appliances such as lamps or TVs placed near thermostats can interfere with accurate temperature readings. These devices cause your AC system to respond incorrectly by overcooling or undercooling spaces within your home. Position heat-generating appliances at least several feet away from the thermostat to prevent inaccurate thermostat readings. This way, the thermostat will accurately gauge the room's temperature without being influenced by nearby heat sources.

For more AC maintenance tips, reach out to a local service. 


23 June 2023

Talking About HVAC Contractor Services

Hello, my name is Betsy Jin. Welcome to my site about HVAC contractor services. When my air conditioning unit started pushing out hot air last summer, I knew I was in for a miserable couple of weeks. Luckily, I was able to call a HVAC contactor and have her come to my home to check out the problem. My contractor quickly identified and fixed the problem using brand new components. I want to help others know just when to call for professional help for their HVAC equipment. My site will cover all of the different repair options used to keep these intricate systems operating efficiently. Thank you for visiting my site.